Millerston Convenience Store

Security is a necessity of businesses of all shapes, sizes and types, and this is particularly the case for retail stores who may be susceptible to shoplifting.

This was the reality facing MIllerston Convenience Store, where their existing security system had become a source of concern. Outdated technology and poor camera placement left them with a number of critical blind spots, hampering their ability to both deter shoplifting and effectively monitor the shop floor.

Libertas Systems live and breathe comprehensive security, so we were more than proud to partner with them to create a robust new CCTV system from the ground up that suited their needs.









One-size-fits-all approaches to security simply don't cut it.

That's why our team started with a thorough on-site survey of Millerston Convenience Store. We assessed the store layout, took note of their existing CCTV system and identified the blind points that left they exposed.

We then went back to the drawing board to put together a custom network that suited their layout, needs and budget.


Libertas Systems CCTV installation on top of pole outside convenience store for surveillance


The outcome of our visit

Within a short three days, and with minimal disruption to their business operations, we successfully installed a comprehensive CCTV network at Millerston Convenience Store.


With our notes in hand, we carefully placed a network of 27 total high-definition cameras throughout the store, ensuring comprehensive visual coverage of every area. This eliminated the blind spots that plagued their previous security system and provided a clear view of all customer and staff activity within the store, all with the cameras being easy to spot from the shop floor to serve as a visual deterrence.


At the heart of this new system lies a powerful 32-channel Network Video Recorder (NVR). This centralised hub seamlessly records footage from all 27 cameras, allowing for easy storage and playback of high-quality recordings. Ready access to a library of footage means that store management can now review past events and identify potential issues, as well as have valuable visual evidence in the event of an incident.


Two strategically-placed monitors provide real-time viewing of the store for staff on-site, allowing them to maintain constant awareness of store activity.


This entire system is conveniently connected to the store owner's smartphone through a user-friendly app, allowing for him to check in on the business anytime from a quick glance at lunch to checking in after closing time.



What's the result of our installation?

Millerston Convenience Store now have a state-of-the-art CCTV network that delivers comprehensive coverage, eliminates blind spots and empowers them with remote monitoring capabilities. This enhanced security solution allows them to focus on running a successful business, knowing their premises are monitored 24/7.



If you are concerned that your business or facility is in a similar position to Millerston Convenience Store before they approached us, get in touch with Libertas Systems to arrange a free consultation about your needs. We'll design a customised security solution that meets your specific needs and keeps your business and staff safe.

Simply contact us on 07956229803 or 07956229804 alternatively email us on to arrange a free on-site consultation.